LB with Coco Montoya at the NCFTA, Fall River, MA
Leadfoot occasionally needs to be reminded that there is life outside of racing. LB would not agree with that statement, but needless to say, he does allow distractions on occasion. This week, LB took a break from parts ordering, master planning, suspension research, etc.
So, on Friday night, we met up with Yer Dad & Linda & Miss Tina. No diversion would be complete without food, so first we had some BBQ at Wes' Rib House (yes, the one on Dike Street in Olneyville...). Then we headed to Fall River and met up with crew member Rob Clorite and his wife Laurie at the Narrows Center for the Arts. We've been longtime fans of Coco Montoya and he and his band put on a great rockin' blues show, as usual.
Indoor Racing at the Dunk, Providence, RI
Saturday was full of diversions. First, business: we visited with Denise Bass Photograph & Design to talk about changes to LB's logo and other graphics-related stuff (business & hero cards) that need to be produced shortly.
Then, because everything eventually returns to the age-old question, "where should we eat?"...LB, myself and Yer Dad decided upon Murphy's Pub & Deli on Fountain Street, downtown. The place was packed with fly fisherman and racers - and also out of pickles! What the freak?!
We then head over to the Dunk for the 2012 Indoor Racing show for an evening of $4.25 waters and $8 beers. Hopefully that stimulated the Providence economy a bit.
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